Community College Concurrent Enrollment
High School students may be admitted as special part-time students, based on a recommendation by their high school that they are able to benefit from advance scholastic and/or vocational coursework, excluding physical education courses.
Students must have the written recommendation of their principal/superintendent and written parental approval. The recommendation form can be obtained from high school counselors. The form is also available online (see link below).
Students must have the written recommendation of their principal/superintendent and written parental approval. The recommendation form can be obtained from high school counselors. The form is also available online (see link below).
Students only pay a $6 student services fee each semester. Students are responsible for the purchase of the textbook.
Concurrent Enrollment is subject to the following requirements:
- students wanting to register for math, reading or English courses will be required to take the college placement test;
- students are required to enroll in college-level coursework (courses numbered 1-99);
- students are required to fulfill the minimum daily requirements at their high school;
- charter or home-schooled students must present a copy of the affidavit submitted to the State or County Office of Education to document the student’s involvement in an educational process.
- Departments
- Library
- Counseling
- Course Catalog
- CHS Graduation Requirements
- High School Planning
- California 4-Year University Requirements
- Community College Concurrent Enrollment
- Career Exploration
- College Bound Athletes
- College Visit
- Common Application
- SAT and ACT
- Scholarship Dates & Deadlines
- Student Wellness Resources
- Transcript Requests
- Math
- Freshman Research Paper
- Sophomore Holocaust Paper
- Junior Research Paper - Contemporary Issues
- Senior Project
- Bilingual Support
- District Departments