Our School
CHS serves 400 students in grades 9-12. Colusa High School is a four-year, two semester comprehensive high school accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), having been awarded a six-year term of accreditation with a three-year review.
Colusa High School has a number of special programs offered to students, including:
- English Language Development
- Sheltered classes
- Environmental Science Academy
- and a number of clubs.
CHS also participates in three early outreach programs with Yuba Community College and California State University, Chico. These programs include:
- Educational Talent Search
- CalSOAP and
- Upward Bound.
Mission Statement
Mission Statement
The Colusa school community works cooperatively and continuously to fulfill our mission:
Colusa High School is committed to the idea that all students can learn and should have the opportunity to achieve academic and co-curricular success. Colusa High School holds high academic expectations for all students. We believe that high expectations for behavior and attendance lead to higher achievement. We value cultural diversity and welcome community involvement in all school programs.

Schoolwide learning outcomes (slo)
Schoolwide learning outcomes (slo)
Colusa High School expects that each high school graduate will be a(n):
- Skilled and Resilient Problem Solver
- Integrity Centered Academic Achiever
- Creative and Innovative Thinker
- Informed and Culturally Competent Citizen
- Communicator and Collaborator